Dear Colleagues,
The 4th International Congress on Stratigraphy STRATI 2023 will be held in Lille, France from 11th to 13th July 2023,
The Business Meeting of the Sucommission on Cretaceous Stratigraphy has been scheduled to be held during the congress. The meeting is open to everybody is interested in Cretaceous Stratigraphy and GSSPs and not only to the members.
The program of STRATI 2023 also includes two sessions proposed by the Cretaceous Subcommission,, they are:
SC6: Integrated stratigraphy and GSSPs of the Cretaceous System.
SC7: Cretaceous palaeoceanography, palaeogeography, biota, climate change and critical events.
I invite you and your collaborators to participate and present your researches, and please feel free to contact me for any question regarding the sessions.
Deadline for early registration and abstracts submission is February 28, 2023.
I am hoping for a broad participation of the Cretaceous community.
Looking forward to seeing you all in Lille.
Best wishes
Maria Rose Petrizzo