11 February 2021 - 1° meeting. The kick-off meeting of the Berriasian Working Group served to share expertises and express opinions on issues concerning the Tithonian/Berriasian boundary and the J/K boundary interval. Beatriz Aguirre-Urreta presented data from the Neuquen Basin (Argentina).
24 March 2021 - 2° meeting. Daniela Rehakova and Silviya Petrova (invited guest) presented the state of art of calpionellid stratigraphy.
27 April 2021 - 3° meeting. Mikhail Rogov presented the Boreal J/K boundary (principles of Volgian and Ryazanian stratigraphy) and Gang Li the J/K boundary in China.
19 May 2021 - 4° meeting. Cristina Casellato and Elisabetta Erba presented the reliability of calcareous nannofossil events in the Tithonian-early Berriasian time interval and the paleoceanography and paleoclimatology of the Tethys across the Jurassic - Cretaceous Boundary interval. Ottilia Szives and I. Fozy presented new data from the Tithonian/Berriasian interval from Hungarian ammonitico rosso sections and discussed problems and possibilities of ammonite zonations.
5 June 2021 - 5° meeting. Gregory Price presented the stable isotope record across the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary. Jacek Grabowski illustrated the integrated stratigraphy of Volgian section from the Polish Basin and the implications for correlation between Tethys and NW European areas.
12 October 2021 - 6° meeting. J.F. Deconick presented Clay minerals around the J/K boundary. J. Grabowski and M. Martinez discussed new activities and concepts in the global Tithonian correlation.
22 November 2021 - 7° meeting. Mathieu Martinez presented Synchronization of the timing of carbon cycle, volcanism and the pacing of the Earth orbit in the Early Cretaceous.
7 December 2021 - 8° meeting. Joerg Mutterlose and Christoph Schneider discussed The J/K boundary in the Boreal Realm.